Sunday, November 21, 2010

Research for Dramaturgical paper part 2

Grotowski stressed that theatre was to be confrontational, and for that reason he only had a very limited number of audience members and actors at his performances with the Laboratory Theatre
"Jerzy Grotowski (Polish Theatrical Director)." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. <>.
Grotowski’s work combined different cultures from the places he had traveled to, Asia, near East and Russia for example.
He tried to simplify theatre and make it into what it used to be: a message of culture, religion, and legends.
Grotowski believed that theatre should make the person-watching rethink their values and morals. Therefore, he believed in “shocking” the audience.
Grotowski tried to bring life into theatre with several of his projects, like  “Paratheatre”, where he worked with a small select audience, and “Mountain Theatre”.
Grotowski believed that theatre comes from the actor and for theatre to go forward the actor must improve.
“Rich theatre”, according to Grotowksi was including all of the elements such as costumes, props, lighting, literature, architecture and such. He believed that this was the Theatre trying to be like the movies, and failing all of the time. There for, he calls his theatre “poor theatre”, also the title of his book, Towards a Poor Theatre.
He believed that theatre could be performed in many ways to include the audience. The actors could move around next to and around the audience, taking notice of them or not or the audience could be physically stopped from getting close to the actor, with a bar. The audience could also be seated in the middle of the action, where the actors acted everyewhere.
Grotowski handout.

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